2 Myths About Heat Pipes Busted – Best Piping Institute in India
2 Myths About Heat Pipes Busted
Myth #1: If heat pipes break, they will get liquid on my electronics.
Fact: Heat pipes rarely, if ever, break. And if they do, the small amount of liquid held in the pipe would be fully saturated into the wick and extremely unlikely to drip or damage your electronics.
Heat Pipes are inherently robust and are a purely passive system that does not wear down over time as active systems often do. A well-engineered heat pipe would require cutting or a copious amount of repeated bending to break. This is one of the reasons why heat pipes are used in industries such as aerospace and defence, where high reliability and long lifetimes are required.
If the seal of a heat pipe were to be broken, the tiny amount of liquid actually within the pipe would be fully saturated into the wick so that no fluid would drip out. The wick would keep any liquid within the heat pipe with capillary forces. Furthermore, heat pipes are charged with a vacuum while being filled. This process ensures that a certain amount of the fluid contained in the pipe is always in vapour form and therefore will not drip.
Myth #2: Heat pipes are heavy.
Fact: Heat pipes can remove more weight than they add to an assembly.
Engineers from Top Piping Institutes in India often integrate heat pipes into custom cooling solutions in order to decrease the weight or volume of the overall solution. Although most often made of copper, heat pipes are hollow and can decrease the weight of your solution while improving thermals in a variety of ways. In many assemblies, heat pipes are used to transfer heat to a cooler, more open area of the device, where a fan can be added to decrease the size and weight of your cooling solution.
Another common example is replacing a traditional copper spreader with an aluminium heat sink base that has embedded heat pipes. These heat pipes can be arranged to target spreading to specific locations while reducing the amount of copper needed and therefore reducing the overall weight and cost of your solution.
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