Best Ayurvedic Massages Types for Reduce Pain and Stress in US – Kansa Organics
7 Types of Ayurvedic Massages
Ayurvedic massages combine pressure, vibration and strokes combined with aromatic ayurvedic oils to relieve the entire body. If you are planning to take up holistic massages to reduce pain and stress, then you must know the 7 essential types of ayurvedic massages.
Pizhichil: For this type of massage, warm oil is poured from a particular vessel, known as Kindi, which is placed a few inches above the body. The oil soothes nerves, and the masseuse massages to treat the Vata Dosha. People who often complain about the body stiffness, fractures, paralysis can benefit from Pizhichil.
Njavarakizhi: This massage boosts the perspiration process in the body. Medicated oil is applied followed by a pressurized massage. For the massage, small cotton blouses filled with cooked rice called Njavara are filled. These blouses are then dipped in cow’s milk, and herbal paste is applied to boost sweat production. This massage is beneficial for the skin and revitalizes the senses.
Shirodhara: The motive of this-this head massage is to stimulate the nerves. A continuously flowing stream or medicated or herbal oil known as dhara is poured on the scalp.
Ubtan and Elakizhi: For this massage, herbal oils are used to rejuvenate the skin. This massage technique improves the quality of the skin and nourishes the body.
Abhyangam: In Abhyangam a full body massage is given with medicated hot oil chosen depending on the patient’s medical condition. Oil temperature is taken care off to ensure that the patient is comfortable. Pressure is applied on certain points, which stimulates body energies and aids toxin release from the body.
Udvartana: This massage is used to enhance blood circulation and flush the toxins from the body. People with high cholesterol levels, obesity, and Kapha dosha are benefited from Udvartana. A herbal paste made from dried herbal powders is applied opposite to the growth of hair, which treats the Kapha.
Garshana: This technique does not involve the use of herbal powder or ayurvedic oil. Instead, the body is stimulated by using raw silk gloves as ayurveda tools. Light strokes in this massage release body toxins and boost the lymphatic system.
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